In most parts of Traditional Africa, theatre and art was a prerogative of the woman. Women were the storytellers, humor –artisans, the word-spinners whose grease move the wheels of society. The women crafted a story that kept the Family, Clan, Nation, together. Today there is a league of African women taking on this mantle, weaving through the intricate corridors of corridors of modern day patriarchy to make it the entertainment and arts industry on their two continent.
How would the Ghanaain creative industry be without Selorm Galley Fiawoo professionally known as Selly Galley? Miziziyangu introduces you to one of these women wholes us into her space.

MM: A brief detail on your success in your respective works?
SGF: As an actor and a seasoned talk show host recognized as a fashion icon in Africa I’ve received multiple nominations, awards and recognitions for best actress, best talk show and most fashionable celebrity in Ghana just to mention a few, I’ve interviewed the crème de la crème of celebrities and politicians across Africa and overseas and hosted multiple events.
As a brand marketing strategist and consultant one of my many successses working in the corporate field is signing 10 top Nigerian entertainers at one time as brand ambassadors to a reputable and well known beverage brand in the world. It was one of the most challenging jobs I’ve had but it was a huge success in the end. I am grateful for how far I’ve come. I still have a lot of work to do. We are still a work in progress.
MM: Your proudest moments?
SGF: My first proudest moment I recall ever so clearly was my first car! Handed over to me the night I won a beauty pageant and talent hunt, MISS GHALLYWOOD/GOLDENWOOD. It was red and I did paint the city red with it. The 2nd would be when I got my first movie script which was a lead role supported by veterans and legends I grew up watching, it was surreal. Chosen as a housemate to represent my country Ghana in Big brother Africa was such a proud moment for me as well as the first day I was to host my first television show, LIVE! The voice of the director’s echoing, Lights! Camera! Action! Selly you are on”, gave me goosebumps. These and many more are my proudest moments, however, every achievements I have churned for tend to be part of the ‘moments’.
MM: Any acting and roles you would love to play or portray?
SGF: I’ve played so many versatile roles as an actor, from an abused girl where I had to shave off all my hair on set, to a drug addict, a drunk, a call girl, school teacher and so many more. Am an adventurous person and can execute any role and character given but the one role or scene I will not play is anything to do with nudity. As a Ghanaian woman and an African my culture and personal values will not permit me to show more than is required of a married woman.
Challenges you faced while growing your business and brand and how you overcame them?
SGF: My dear, I have faced a lot of challenges (not that they have stopped coming, anyways), like disappointments, backlashes, setbacks, mediocrity, people intentionally and unintentionally trying to sabotage your efforts etc. How I overcome every one of them – being focused and keeping my eyes on the prize.
Your foundation and why it is important to you?
SGF: The SELLY GALEY FOUNDATION is dear to my heart. It’s an outreach for maternal and childcare prioritizing in education and healthcare and offering support to underprivileged communities and individuals. The 9 MONTHS JOURNEY is a special project by the foundation to reach out across the country to educate expecting mothers on the importance of proper prenatal care for a healthy birth.
As a single child and a wife who has experienced miscarriages I am passionate about the well-being of mothers and children. I believe you haven’t lived fully until you’ve touched someone’s life and made it better and brighter even in the smallest way. This foundation was birthed out of love as God teaches us to have for one another.
MM: Being an African and a woman, what has your journey taught you?
SGF: My journey being an African and a woman has taught me one outstanding thing..
“Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expects of you. Never excuse yourself. Never pity yourself. Be a hard master to yourself-and be lenient to everybody else.” Henry Ward Beecher
MM: Best place to visit in Africa?
SGF: I come from a small town called Agbakope in the Volta region of Ghana. A few towns before the Ghana-Togo border. My people are very welcoming, delicious food from crops grown in rich organic soil and a rich culture of music and dance. The sound of the Agbadza drums and the smell of clay brings me such serenity away from the hustle and bustle of the city. I’ve been to many countries in Africa but my hometown is my getaway place where I loose myself completely. You should visit when you’re in Ghana. It’ll be a pleasure to host you.