“WE ARE AS WE WERE” , a solo exhibition by Thabiso Dakamela delves into the nations of time and memony. Through engagement with this evocative phrase, Dakamela encourages us to explore us to and explore the realms of nostalgia and self- discovery by examining the essence of who we once were and the reflective impact of our past on our present.

The body of work that forms this exhibition creates a vivid pictorial barkdrop that beckons collective engagement with the profound concept of individuation. Through Dakamela’s artistry, we are urged to embark on contemplative journey that begins in the innocence of childhood where dreams are abundant and boundless, from this starting point.

Dakamela skillfully transports us through time, laden with the weight of our dreams, into the contemporary world. Here, the process of individuation, once seen as an individual quest, is masterfully juxtaposed with modern day togetherness and our collective interactions. This juxtaposition compels us to confront the retionalization of our once sweet dreams now interwoven with societal responsibilities and imposed expectations.

The series of works presented marks a departure from Dakamela’s usual practice as he deminishes the noise from the outside world and invigorates the personalities and capabilities of the central figures in his works through vivid colors as textured techniques. In an attempt to highlight the necessity of moving away from matarialism and societal constraints, Dakamela creates tranquil spaces fo the figures to reconnect with their true selves and draw from the knowledge of their lineage present in their genetic material.

WE ARE AS WE WERE emphasis themes of community, spirituality, growth, reflection and introspection, with the featured piece inspiring us to return to the core of our humanity and reminding us of the unity that can be found in supporting each other’s dreams. The exhibition serves to encourage a carving out space for profound imagination, even amidst the complexities of modern life with colour palette breathing life into our dormant dreams once again, revitalizing our spirits.

Art by Thabiso Dakamela

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