It’s relatively rare these days to find a celebrity who hasn’t lent their voice to a good cause, whether that’s for a personal passion projects or a spot of good publicity.
However, there are some stars so entrenched in activism that their work in this area has become almost as famous as the career that made them a household name in the first place.
Angel Pooe is a Tswana woman born and raised in Phokeng in Rustenburg. Raised by a Christian family with four brothers and a sister. She has always wanted to be an actor from a young age hence her move from Mafikeng to Johannesburg to pursue her dream of acting on stage and also on the silver screen.
Like her name apart from conquering the big screen she also has a golden heart for helping others who need her help the most. MiziziYangu gets a front seat with phenomenal actress who gives us a first-hand experience of her halo effect.
Please tell us more about your foundation and what it represents?
AP Wa Mo Aforika Foundation was founded two years ago, with the aim to be the first point of call for people living with disabilities, women and children living in poverty from the rural areas. I grew up in a village and I have witnessed how poverty was doing to our people. Hence I made a vow to help as much as I can. With this I also motivate the younger generation to dream big and connect them to the right people in order to change their lives.
How do you separate your career and the community projects that you’re involved in?
AP Acting is my first love! I have been in the industry for over 15 years and it has been my dream since from a young age. Being in the industry has enabled me to make connections that are helping me now with my projects.I am so grateful that my career helps me to highlight my community projects beautifully. The universe has a way of aligning things for good,I cannot separate them, they’re aligned and I manage to work hand in hand with both of them.
You’re big on women empowerment, why?
AP Women are naturally emotional and through our lives we are faced with challenges that we forgive but hardly forget. We carry scars that are so deep and constantly scratched by either our partners, kids, family and even friends and these that on its own weighs heavy on us. Women need little motivation to dust themselves off everything that has happened to them, to forgive the past, take responsibility and move forward. I love to empower women using my influence and my past experiences. I believe that a lived experience shared is better than what we read in the books or movies.Women are powerful and can be anything they want to be.
Tell us about your love for sports?
AP I grew up playing soccer with my father (the late Andrew Pooe). I fell in love with it since then and I am that type that gets very disappointed when my team loses. I have recently adopted a soccer team in a village that I help with their needs on and off the field.
I would love to own soccer team one day and have a soccer agency for players across Africa.
What does it mean to be Young and African today?
AP Being Young and African today means I am open to opportunities that exist for me. Africa is the new world. We are the hub of resources and ideas. We are that the world depends on, the life source and definitely a breath of fresh air. To be young and African is the newest and coolest thing and knowing this means that I am the torch that brightens the corners I go to.