Your skin is your body’s largest organ and a canvas for what’s going on inside. So, it’s time to start thinking differently about your skin care routine. We had a chat with the Maruva team and this is what they had to say.

MIZIZI: What is the story behind Maruva Naturals, how did it all come about? 

MN: Maruva came about as a celebration of wellness, a tribute to nature, and a testament to the power of cultural exchange. 

The story begins at the crossroads of two vibrant traditions, where love for heritage and adesire to preserve ancient beauty practices converged into something truly extraordinary.

The Maruva founders, inspired by the natural treasures used by African tribes for skin and hair care, saw parallels with their own Indian heritage. Ingredients like baobab, mafura, and mongongo, revered in Africa, resonated with the Ayurvedic practices they grew up with. This realisation sparked the idea for Maruva: a brand that marries the best of African and Indian wisdom.

The Maruva Naturals logo—a fusion of the Indian Lotus and the African Flame Lily-perfectly encapsulates this union of cultures and their shared pursuit of natural beauty.

MIZIZI: The meaning of Ayurveda & Dosha, and why was it important to incorporate the two when starting Maruva? 

MN: Ayurveda, a 5,000-year-old Indian medical system, translates from Sanskrit as “knowledge of life.” Central to Ayurveda are the doshas: three bodily humours—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha—that influence our physical, mental, and emotional traits. Everyone possesses a distinct balance of these doshas, shaping their individual constitution. Incorporating Ayurveda and the concept of doshas into Maruva’s foundation,  we can provide personalised solutions based on each person’s unique needs, ensuring more effective and tailored treatments.

MIZIZI: The mission of the brand is to bring back the Indian and African ancestral beauty practices, why?

MN: Blending Indian and African cultures in the realm of beauty and wellness goes beyond product creation for Maruva. Both cultures have rich, diverse, and ancient traditions that have contributed immensely to our heritage. Merging these two cultures through beauty practices is about weaving together stories, histories, and philosophies. We are motivated and driven by:

Deep-Rooted Traditions and Philosophy: Both Indian and African cultures have beauty and wellness traditions that date back thousands of years. For instance, while India has Ayurveda, Africa has its indigenous herbal remedies and beauty rituals. These traditions are not just about looking good but are deeply intertwined with spirituality, well-being, and a connection to nature. Both cultures emphasize the importance of inner beauty, balance, and holistic well-being. Whether it’s the Ayurvedic principle of balancing one’s doshas or African rituals that promote community and connection to ancestors, there’s a profound depth to these practices that goes beyond surface-level beauty.

Cultural Exchange and Unity: At a time when the world often seems divided, blending cultural practices is a beautiful way of promoting understanding, respect, and unity. For Maruva, it’s a reminder that while we all have our unique traditions and stories, there’s so much we can learn from each other.

Empowerment and Pride: By blending these two cultures, we are also able to address issues of representation and empowerment. For too long, global beauty standards have often sidelined the rich beauty practices of non-Western cultures. Celebrating and merging Indian and African beauty traditions is a way of reclaiming and showcasing the richness of these cultures on a global stage.

Innovation with Heritage: While it’s essential to respect and preserve traditional practices, blending them also allows for innovation. New beauty solutions can emerge that harness the best of both worlds, offering consumers products and rituals that are both effective and deeply rooted in heritage.

Diversity of Ingredients: Africa and India are both rich in biodiversity. From the Indian neem and turmeric to African shea butter and baobab oil, the plethora of natural ingredients from these regions have unique properties that can offer holistic benefits for skin and hair.

Sustainability and Respect for Nature: Both Indian and African traditional beauty practices emphasize the importance of sustainability and respect for nature. Ingredients are sourced with care, rituals are performed with reverence, and there’s a deep understanding of the cyclical nature of life and the environment.

MIZIZI: Maruva is naturally sourced and chemical free, how important is that for the skin. 

MN: Reduced Skin Sensitivities: Natural products often have fewer irritants, minimizing the risk of allergies or sensitivities. Those with conditions like eczema or sensitive skin can particularly benefit, as synthetic ingredients might exacerbate their issues.

Eco-Friendly: Naturally sourced products tend to be more environmentally friendly. Many individuals gravitate towards eco-friendly and sustainably produced items, aligning with their environmentally conscious values.

Unique Natural Benefits: Natural ingredients can offer distinct advantages that some synthetic counterparts might not provide.

Personal Beliefs: Many opt for natural products due to convictions about natural living and minimizing exposure to artificial substances.

MIZIZI: Three things one should consider when starting/choosing a skin care range? 

MN: Skin Type & Dosha: It’s crucial to know your skin type—whether it’s oily, dry, or sensitive. Maruva Naturals offers three distinct ranges tailored to your Dosha:

  • Vata: Ideal for drier or matured skin.
  • Pitta: Best for sensitive or combination skin.
  • Kapha: Designed for oily skin.

Ingredients: Prioritise products with ingredients that cater to your skin’s specific needs. For instance, hyaluronic acid is great for hydration. Maruva’s key ingredients across the three ranges, Baobab in the Kapha range, Mongongo in the Pitta range and Mafura in the Vata range each address a specific skin concern. 

Brand Reputation & Certifications: Investigate the brand’s reputation, customer feedback, and quality assurance. Maruva Naturals stands out with:

  • Ecocert approved ingredients.
  • No artificial colorants.
  • GMOs that are vegetable-based.
  • Natural vitamin E in products.
  • PETA certification, ensuring no animal testing.
  • Natural fragrances from essential oils.
  • ISO 9001 2015 certification, indicating compliance with international standards.

MIZIZI: What is a serum and why is it important to use one? 

MN: A serum is a potent skincare elixir, formulated with a high concentration of active ingredients. Unlike heavier moisturisers, serums are lightweight and designed to delve deep into the skin, targeting specific concerns like wrinkles, pigmentation, or hydration more effectively.

Take, for instance, Maruva’s Brightening Serum. Crafted to counteract the rigors of urban living, it’s a symphony of natural ingredients that harmoniously enhance facial tone while delivering enduring moisture. Key components include:

  • Organic Daisy Flowers: Diminish melanocyte activity, evening out skin pigmentation and making age spots less noticeable.
  • Blackberry Extract: Rich in alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs), it tightens and tones the complexion.
  • Cucumber Extract: Offers a softening and conditioning touch.
  • Cornstarch and Sugar Beet Extracts: Boosts the skin’s natural moisturizing factors, ensuring both immediate and lasting hydration.
  • Hyaluronic Acid: Renowned for its anti-aging and skin-plumping properties.

The culmination? A naturally radiant, rejuvenated, and luminous complexion!

MIZIZI: Are the products for both men and women? 

MN: Absolutely! Maruva Naturals champions the idea that skincare transcends gender. Both men and women deserve hydration, nourishment, and care. While everyone’s skin shares fundamental similarities, individual needs can differ. Our versatile range addresses a broad spectrum of skin concerns, making it apt for all. We’re committed to shattering traditional skincare norms and fostering inclusivity.

While Ayurveda and Maruva considers factors such as age, season and individual characteristics, Doshas are not tied to gender therefore select your range according to your Dosha rather than your gender! 

MIZIZI: What is your bestselling product/range

MN: Our standout product is the “Maruva Brightening Serum.” Infused with a powerful mix of natural ingredients, it’s celebrated for enhancing skin luminosity and diminishing aging signs as well as reducing the appearance of hyperpigmentation spots. The glowing testimonials from our customers underscore its efficacy.

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