Her smile and laughter always introduces her first. Let’s get to know this phenomenal young woman a little better, shall we. One thing is absolutely certain, she definitely strives to be the best version of herself with each passing day irrespective of the challenges she may face. She’s brilliant at her crafts, and she’s a family girl.
MM: Who is Randy, and where does she originate from?
RT: Randy is pretty awesome I’d say. A 29-year-old young lady originally from the Free State, Welkom and lives in Johannesburg. A multi award winner, a lover of life and the finer things it’s got to offer. “I have always believed in fighting for, and pursuing my dreams even when it seemed impossible. I’m pretty stubborn when it comes to the things I want because I know just how much and how hard I work for them. There are things I refuse to compromise on. I’m most certainly living in answered prayers and I take none of it for granted!”
MM: Who are your role models?
RT: I look up to most of the women in my life. They are fantastic. My mother is definitely one of them. She is the epitome of love, kindness and support! When I count my blessings, she comes up more than once. What a gem.
MM: What are you more passionate about, Radio or Psychology?
RT: Honestly? I love them both, and extremely passionate about both. The two actually compliment each other so beautifully. Psychology is such a vast field. It helps individuals understand how the mind and body work together / improving human behaviour for one. Radio is theater of the mind. It remains the most used mass communication medium. What better way to educate, learn from and give listerners a platform to express themselves. It’s October, and it’s World Mental Health Awareness Month. Most Radio stations if not all have programmes/ features on Mental Health Awareness Education. Psychology meets Radio! Sounds perfect to me.
MM: Why is education important for the African child?
RT: I genuinely think and believe that Education, especially a good education enables the African child achieve things they couldn’t before. Not only does it develop critical thinking, the role of education for the African child also reminds them of their hopes, their dreams, goals, aspirations and just how valid they are. These vital first steps pave way for a bright and colourful future.
MM: You’ve worked for some big radio stations including Radio 2000 – a national radio station and the likes of Power FM – a commercial talk radio station to mention a few. You do television too. How do you juggle everything?
RT: I’m definitely still figuring this one out. Most days I’m extremely exhausted however when God gives us something – A talent, a gift, he equips us well. I’ve struggled for the longest time to find what most call “a balance”, but Prayer, support and pacing myself has gotten me far. Instead of wanting to do everything on my own, I’m now slowly learning to ask for help and to actually accept the help. “Slow and steady” does it. It’s important to break things down in chunks and to actually be productive and not just busy.
MM: What does a typical day for Randy look like?
RT: A normal day for me is mostly just a lot of work. Running around from one place to another, and having a full time Mommy cap on. My gorgeous daughter keeps me on my toes. Toddlers? I’m convinced they run the world.
MM: What is your advise to people that listen to your different shows on different platforms and are inspired by the work you do?
RT: For anyone who would like to pursue a broadcasting career, go for it. If it works, it works, if it doesn’t work out, then you’ll always know you gave it a shot and your best is good enough. As long as you’re doing it for the right reasons. – Always remember why you started. I also recommend going to school – it’s important to learn as much about the industry as you can and be able to apply those teachings well. A nice voice alone, won’t cut it. My shows are really nice to listen to. Quite informative because I do my research well, but also pretty fun. I’m forever thankful for the love and support.
MM: How do you unwind?
RT: Wine and some sleep on most hectic days. Other days, it’s often family time and just catching up on how everyone has been doing. One of my most favourite things to do as well as a way to unwind, is taking drives with my daughter while we have some ice cream. I enjoy travelling as well. It’s always such a beautiful way to just spend time on my own.
MM: What are your three most favorite holiday destinations in Africa you would like to travel to and why?
RT: I’d like to go to Mozambique. It seems to have a lovely track record when it comes to activities, cultural diversity, it’s tropical climate and I’d really just love to have a dope vacation there. I can’t believe I haven’t gone to Mozambique yet. – Zambia for its gorgeous wildlife, and fascinating museums to name a few. – I’d also love to visit Angola for their breathtaking scenery, festivals, the people there also come across as really nice.
MM: Why is it important to take some time off/ a break especially for someone in your industry?
RT: I’ve burnt out more than once before. It’s an absolutely horrible feeling and it often reminds us of what’s important in our lives in a harsh manner, and why we need to take some time out when our minds and bodies communicate. This industry is fast paced and we often just keep moving. But it’s important to rest and take some time out for our own well-being. How can one possibly be their best when they’re tired and aren’t able to focus? Self-care really should be a priority. We also have families who love and care about us, and they are the ones who get affected the most when we are not well.
MM: Wh`ere to from here, what’s next for Randy?
RT: All I can say for now? Bigger things are in the pipeline and are unfolding. Isaiah 60:22 tells us that when the time is right, the Lord will make it happen. I’m excited for this chapter and this particular season. Watch the space!