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Southern Oil Promotes Canola Oil as the Ultimate Choice for Health-Conscious Consumers

With a mission to be a sustainable leader in the development and production of high-quality healthier alternative oils, Southern Oil (SOILL) continues to champion the benefits of canola oil as the go-to choice for consumers. “We are proud to promote canola oil as a cooking oil alternative for the health-conscious consumer” says Morne Botes, Commercial Director at Southern Oil. “Our…

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Exploring the Rise in Olive Oil Prices.

Olive cultivation and processing to produce Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) is a capital-intensive process and therefore carries a price premium, but recent market dynamics have seen substantial spike in olive oil prices, affecting various olive oil categories, from high-end extra virgins to everyday blends. Let’s take a closer look at what has shaped these spikes and why it has…

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