While it is saddening that the global Corona virus pandemic has indeed put a great deal on the South Africa’s performing arts, it has also given rise to the new levels of imagination and innovation as artists and organisations find ways to continue providing audiences with alternative methods of viewing and engaging with the arts. One amazing platform is the My Body My Space:Public Arts Festival (MBMS) which will be taking its 2021 festival into the virtual realm as the first arts festival in world to take place on a dedicated WhatsApp line.

Both Art and Technology define and continue to reshape the world we live in. Re-imagining what we know pushes our opinions and understanding of nature to the limits. With the new inventions and experiments both the the mind and body, the language and the world itself seems to be making room for a different sphere and fresh rules.

The change of artworks, nature along with the shift in the public interaction and the reshaping of the museums and exhibitions spaces are making more room today than ever before and some of the most amazing examples of art and technology through digital art and online existence explore the internet.

The online showcase is funded by The National Department of Sports,Arts and Culture(DSAC) and The National Arts Council (NAC) curated by The Forgotten Angle Theatre Collaborative(FATC) is committed to being as inclusive and accessible as possible in this transition to this online space.

This festival on your phone has been running from January 2021 will end on 31 March 2021 is also freely accessible and suitable for all ages. Its exciting that the content being showcased also responds to the current COVID 19 reality.

Another defining feature of the MBMS festival is continued commitment to partnerships. Some of the Partners for this year’s festival include the French Institute of South Africa and University of London School of Speech and Drama.

With such improvements this will be an opportunity for the young generation to use the knowledge of digital tools to deepen their interest in Art and to enrich artistic emotions and experiences.