Meet Rakesh Daya

A pharmacist at Nikitas Pharmacy with 30 years of experience who dedicates his days to serving his community with bravery.

Rakesh Daya, a pharmacist at Nikitas Pharmacy, lives his life dedicated to serving the community of Lenasia South like a true hero.

With 30 years of pharmaceutical experience, Rakesh is driven by a passion to serve his community and always gives back in any and every way he can. Aside from ensuring extended availability and top tier service to their clients, Rakesh and Nikitas Pharmacy go above and beyond through regular volunteer work as well as community outreach services.

Rakesh and the pharmacy actively volunteer with schools, sports organisations, and local clinics and offer outreach programmes that ensure local healthcare testing at schools and community organisations’ open days.

However, their generosity doesn’t end there. Rakesh also hosts open days for free cholesterol and diabetes testing, consults the local councillor to help draft the health portfolio, and initiates feeding schemes within the community. When asked what drives him to consistently go above and beyond, he had this to say:

“I always strive to perform my duties with complete and utmost sincerity and honesty… I love my job and always prepared to go the extra mile for my patients and my community.”– Rakesh Daya

It is because of Rakesh and Nikitas Pharmacy’s undying passion and generosity that the community of Lenasia South and their collaborative NGO’s have stepped out to shower them with gratitude and praise. Watch the video below to see how it all unfolded: 

The registered NPOs Rakesh and Nikitas Pharmacy have nominated are: Lenasia South Residents Association & The United Patidar Society (T U P S ) (S.A)

For more entry criteria and to cast your nomination visit 


Meet Sonya Kolmam

“Madiba wanted part of his legacy to be the establishment of a world-class paediatric hospital where the ability to pay should not be a factor. Being part of this has been a huge honour.”

Sonya is a clinical pharmacist who left her job in the private sector to pursue a career that allowed her to give back. She has since become a beacon of hope to patients and young pharmacists at the Nelson Mandela Children’s Hospital.

Sonya Kolman found her calling in the heart of the Parktown community in Johannesburg as a Clinical Pharmacist at the Nelson Mandela Children’s Hospital. Leaving a job in the private sector, Sonya wanted to pursue a career that allowed her to give back and jumped at the opportunity to get on board and help start the new hospital and bring Mandela’s dream to life. 

Sonya’s desire to give back doesn’t stop at her role as a Clinical Pharmacist. She actively assists in the procurement, dispensing, and handling of drug queries between other doctors and pharmacists, as well as spending her mornings working in the Paediatric ward and Neonatal ICU and her days evaluating patient medication dosage and side effects.

Beyond this Sonya also finds time to help uplift and empower young pharmacists and pharmacy assistants through tutoring, mentorship opportunities, and part-time lecturing at Wits University. 

Sonya is a beacon of hope to the Parktown community, watch as they celebrate her and shower her with gratitude.

The registered NPO Sonya nominated is: Nelson Mandela Children’s Hospital

For more entry criteria and to cast your nomination visit 


Meet Peter Puka

Meet the team of Khanya Pharmacy Watch as the community of Soweto shower the team of Khanya Pharmacy with gratitude. Khanya Pharmacy continuously serves the community of Soweto with endless grace and compassion. This is why the community is stepping out to say ‘thank you’.

Khanya Pharmacy in Dobsonville Soweto actively seeks to uplift the community they are based in. With a passion for empowering the youth in the area the team at the pharmacy also look to help wherever they can with those in need.

With a policy of employing local Pharmacist Assistants and Pharmacists and assisting in paying their fees for further education, the team puts action behind their goal and aim to help alleviate youth unemployment. Beyond this, the pharmacy team seeks to make education more accessible to the learners by helping to pay for the students’ accommodation, food, and provide them with a stipend while they train. A vital and often overlooked part of any education journey.

Khanya Pharmacy also gives a helping hand to Margaret Gwele Primary School with food parcels for those in need, regularly supports sanitary towel drives and helps provide food parcels for students and their families at George Khoza Secondary School, and also assist Ilitha Creche where they help with blanket donations. The team at the pharmacy also look to provide a safe test centre for learners to study toward their IBT (International benchmark test) tests.

The pharmacy’s generosity and community involvement doesn’t end there though. Khanya Pharmacy also extends their hand by helping to provide kit and sponsoring games for two local soccer teams.

It is because of Khanya Pharmacy’s undying generosity and dedication to serving the community of Soweto with open arms that the community and their collaborative NGO’s and NPO’s have joined forces to celebrate and thank them.

Watch the video below to hear the community’s heartfelt testimonials and see the celebration:

Meet the team of Khanya Pharmacy (

The registered NPOs Khanya Pharmacy has nominated are:

Ilitha Safe House Fostering Day and Night Child Care and Margaret Gwele Primary School

For more entry criteria and to cast your nomination visit


Meet Thaheir Alli

Thaheir Alli haheir is a pharmacist and the owner of Atlantis Pharmacy who has continuously serves the community of Atlantis with a golden palm

Thaheir Alli is the pharmacist and owner of Atlantis Pharmacy and a much loved member of his community.  

Having been at the pharmacy for the past 12 years, Thaheir is well-attuned to the daily struggles of the residents in his community. This has fuelled him with the passion to give back.

Over the past decade, he has initiated and supported multiple outreach programmes, always looking to help the vulnerable. His many projects assist the elderly, underprivileged children and look to uplift the youth through educational initiatives. His good works even extend beyond Atlantis with the construction of the Sadia Islamic Educational and Community Centre in Delft. Thahier is also a volunteer at the CTIEC (Cape Town Islamic Educational Center) which involves winter blanket drives, feeding schemes, and more.

One of his most impactful projects is a weekly feeding initiative that assists between 300 to 400 people in the community. He and his team provide local residents in need with a hot meal, and grocery parcels and a bottle of water that they can take home with them. He and his wife, also procure nurses on site every second week to assist the community with regular HIV and TB patient monitoring and health checks. They also check the blood pressure and sugar levels of the elderly in the area and offer them health and medical advice.

It is because of Thaheir and Atlantis Pharmacy’s continued care and compassion that the community of Atlantis and their collaborative NGO’s have stepped out to celebrate him and show him the love and appreciation he has poured into his community over the years. Watch the video below to see how it all unfolded:

The registered NPO Thaheir and Atlantis Pharmacy have nominated is: Atlantis Substance Abuse Support Centre 

For more entry criteria and to cast your nomination visit 


Meet Jacqui Clapton

Watch as the community of Middelburg showers Jacqui Clapton and Clubville Pharmacy with gratitude. Jacqui is a pharmacist at Clubville Pharmacy who has become an emblem of well-being to the Middelburg community.

Jacqui Clapton is the head pharmacist at Clubville Pharmacy, she and her colleagues serve as a ray of hope and upliftment to the community of Middelburg in Mpumalanga.

The pharmacy says their focus is on people and how they can go the extra mile to assist their community – not only with their medication but their emotional well-being as well. It is this attitude that has made them a beloved emblem of well-being to the community.

From sponsoring the physiotherapy treatment of children in the community, fundraising for drought relief, supporting the Middleburg Hospice and always assisting with medical supplies for the local SPCA – Jacqui and Clubville Pharmacy never shy away from being able to make a difference. Beyond this, the pharmacy also gives support to the Mid Hartklop organisation – a non-profit that assists the less fortunate with resources and regular volunteer work.

When tragedy struck and the pharmacy burnt down in April 2021, the team were up and back at work the next morning, more than ever ready to continue to give back and ensure the community got the help, assistance and medication they needed – even if it meant working from make shift tent facilities.

It is because of this continued commitment and passion to serve that the community of Middleburg and their collaborative NGO’s and NPO’s united to celebrate Jacqui and the pharmacy and take the opportunity to say thank you.

Watch the video below to hear more about this incredible story: 

Meet Pharmacist Jacqui Clapton (

The registered NPO Jacqui and Clubville Pharmacy have nominated is: Bathesda House of Hope

For more entry criteria and to cast your nomination visit


Meet Anil Lalla

Anil is a career pharmacist who started his first job at Vitacare Penlyn three decades ago, and now owns and manages the same pharmacy in the heart of the community.

For Anil Lalla, the suburb of Penlyn in Cape Town has always been home. It’s where he lives, where he started his first job, and where he still manages Vitacare Pharmacy today, just 200m from his front door. “I think community building is exceptionally important. If we can all look after each other, who will need looking after?” asks Anil.

Aasia Fredericks, a regular customer of the boutique pharmacy, says Anil takes a personal interest in everyone’s lives, and knows them all by name. “That’s the kind of guy he is and it’s how Vitacare Penlyn operates. It’s all about the people and the community.”

Anil supports Active Bodies Sports Development, which provides opportunities to under privileged youth in sport and cycling. “Sometimes you just need a catalyst to do good work,” says Abbas Harris of the group. “In our communities, we just need more of those people and if we can have 100 Anils, I’m sure the community will be a different place.”

When asked what he thinks bravery is, Anil simply says. “All of us grow up with the notion of wanting to change the world… What I’ve resigned myself to do is to make a difference within my community, in my little microcosm. And if everyone can make a difference in their immediate space, the bravery in that community will surely come out.”

Watch the community of Penlyn shower Anil Lalla with gratitude:

For more entry criteria and to cast your nomination visit 


Meet Abdullah Khan

Abdullah Khan is a pharmacist who spends his days giving back to the Athlone community through Athlone Pharmacy. Abdullah has served the community of Athlone for 27 years, where he is considered a vessel of hope and provision – thanks to his extensive outreach work and evergreen compassion.

About ten years ago, Abdullah saw a growing need in the community for a diabetic support group as more and more patients came in for assistance with diabetes. This demand saw him initiate the support group Diabetic 101. Founded through volunteers, the group has significantly grown in the community. They host regular meetings aimed to educate, empower and ensure patients are able to control their diabetes and find support. The group invites specialists in the field to give talks, address the members, and share advice.

Abdullah and the pharmacy also have a passion for supporting the youth in the area by assisting with school sports initiatives as well as other outreach initiatives at local schools. He extends his generosity by assisting with the funding of uniforms for students in need and providing schools with first aid kits and much-needed stationery supplies. During the height of the pandemic, Abdullah and Athlone Pharmacy ensured that the nearby schools all had the correct on-site thermal thermometers and equipment to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. 

Abdullah’s heart also lies in helping two children’s homes in his community – the Christine Revell Children’s Home and Leliebloem House. He supports both of these homes with medical supplies and first aid kits as well as food and other essential donations regularly. He also goes further with his help by supporting the local home for the aged, Beit-ul-Aman, with adult incontinence supplies and more. 

It is because of Abdullah’s continued compassion and drive to serving the community of Athlone, that the community and their collaborative NGO’s and NPO’s have joined forces to thank him and show him how much his good works are appreciated. Watch the video below to hear the community’s messages of support:

The registered NPOs Abdullah and Athlone Pharmacy have nominated are: Bokmakierie Primary School and Blossom Street Primary School

To vote visit 



Meet Kelly Robinson & Cheryl Kuit

Kelly Robinson & Cheryl Kuit are the co-owners and leaders at the helm of Tyrone Pharmacy – a saving grace for the community it serves in Randburg.

The Tyrone Pharmacy’s motto is ‘Take Good Care’. It’s a motto they strive to fulfil through supporting community initiatives. From school fundraising events and blanket drives to providing free masks to those in need and supplying vitamins to their local Old Age home (Park Care) and necessities for the local baby shelter (Princess Alice Adoption Home). 

Beyond this, the pharmacy is dedicated to facilitating feeding schemes with vitamin-enriched meal supplements for some of their severely malnourished homeless community members. During the COVID pandemic, their generosity continued through their support of many small BEE and home businesses by buying and selling their masks, biscuits, soaps and more through the pharmacy – allowing them to make a living and support their families. The pharmacy also regularly assists with projects in the paediatric health industry that aims to help underprivileged babies and children dealing with illness.

Continuing to go above and beyond, both Kelly and Cheryl are driven by a passion and desire to give back to their community and it keeps them motivated daily. 

“I absolutely love what I do. I’m invested, I like supporting, I think it’s a challenge that every day you do not know what you’re going to be presented. But there are so many people out there that need help and it is wonderful to know that maybe just the laughter, a caring word, or a few tablets makes a change for someone’s life out there.”

  • Cheryl Kuit

It is because of their generous nature that the community of Randburg and their collaborative NGO’s have stepped out to shower them with gratitude and praise. Watch the video below to see how it all unfolded:

  The registered NPO Tyrone Pharmacy nominated is: Footprints4Sam

For more entry criteria and to cast your nomination visit 
