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Paul Modjadji’s directorial film THE DEAL premiered at the Nelson Mandela Foundation in Houghton.

Starring two SAFTA lifetime award winners, Dr. Jerry Mofokeng wa Makgetha and Abigail Kubeka, The Deal premiere was hosted just two days before the commemoration of the 1976 June 16th youth uprising and during the world’s Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month.  Addressing the audience at the premiere, director Paul Modjadji said, “It is apt that we are launching this film…

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The word drama is an understatement when it comes to the Diamond and Dolls Reality Show, they are bringing us all the glitz and the glamour on our screens this season. The show has been on the pipeline for en years now and currently stands as one of the most anticipated shows on Showmax. Diamond & Dolls are all about…

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