Recognising that lack of sleep,a taxing lifestyle , and a daily aggression put a strain on the skin every day. In our fast-paced world , where technology dominates our lives and where we are always on the go, it is important to always remember to take care of ourselves, and that includes taking care of our skin. The skin is the body’s largest organ , and performs the vital task of encasing , and protecting , all other organs. With the skin serving such a critical function , it is imperative that we preserve this organ . However, as we age, cell regeneration slows down, leading to a loss of vitality and overall skin health. Night-time and the time one spends sleeping is the best time for our skin to recover, as cell renewal is said to be at least twice as high as it is during the day. It is interesting ,and somewhat disturbing to note that the time we are spending on sleeping has dropped dramatically in recent years. According to several studies the impact of sleep on beauty is undeniable . People who sleep more than seven hours per night appear four to five years younger than those who sleep for five hours. Sleep allows the body and skin to regenerate after enduring the day- time damage from harmful UV rays , make-up and blue light , to just mention a few. Unfortunately , though , maintaining one’s skin takes more than just adding a few extra hours of sleep to the night. There are however some ways to add in the skin’s regeneration , and this is where a good night-time skincare routine should be maintained .