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Signature High Tea by Just Teddy for limited time at The Winston Hotel.

Menu Top Tier: Buttermilk scones, Chantilly cream, preserves, mature cheese, salted butter Middle Tier: Beef truffle slider on brioche “Club sandwich” Egg mayonnaise cannoli Salmon tortilla star Panko chicken slider Bottom Tier: Swedish Princess cake Lemon cheesecake Pistachio Religieuse Chocolate mousse Sweet tahini macaron Bon Bon: Passion fruit TWG Tea selection: English Breakfast Baine de Roses Uva Highlands Royal Darjeeling…

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Selly Galley Fiawoo’s Simplicity & Class.

In most parts of Traditional Africa, theatre and art was a prerogative of the woman. Women were the storytellers, humor –artisans, the word-spinners whose grease move the wheels of society. The women crafted a story that kept the Family, Clan, Nation, together. Today there is a league of African women taking on this mantle, weaving through the intricate corridors of…

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